Medical esthetic treatments

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Medical esthetic treatments

Thanks to the developments of medical science and technology, there’s no need to settle with annoying esthetic problems!
You can get rid of lines and spots, as well as unwanted hairs and scars. Even the size of fat deposits can be reduced in certain parts of the body! Our medical treatments of proven effectiveness use modern devices and scientifically selected active agents to achieve these results. Some conditions require cure-like therapies, whilst in other cases, a single session can be sufficient.
From the range of various therapies, the physician will choose the treatment which best suits Your conditions. During your first visit, you’ll have a chance to precisely clarify the details of the procedure. The consultation puts no obligation on your whatsoever: in light of the details, you can decide whether you wish to undergo the treatment or cure. Naturally, if you decide to rid yourself of your problem, the price of the consultation will be deducted from the treatment.

Duration: 20 MIN
A cure which activates the skin's self-healing mechanism, resulting in looks which take off years.
34 500 - 69 000 HUF
Duration: 10 - 20 MIN
A treatment yields spectacular results within just a few days and entails only minimal pain. It is especially effective in treating the wrinkles on the forehead and under the eyebrows.
23 000 - 143 800 HUF
Duration: 15-20 MIN
The treatment can help successfully remove new and old, black or colored tattoos on any part of the body, including cosmetic tattoos around the eyebrows and mouth.
23 000 HUF
Duration: 10 - 60 MIN
A painless treatment during which the special pulsing light is used to halt hair growth. The procedure is especially recommended for the treatment of dark hair strands.
6 600 - 72 700 HUF
Duration: 15 - 35 MIN
A fast, effective and safe treatment which entails minimal pain. The long wavelength laser beams enter through the nail plate and reach the fungal cords, destroying them.
28 800 - 34 500 HUF
Duration: 30 MIN
The most effective form of treating excessive underarm perspiration, which practically halts the outflow of perspiration and thus decreases the production of perspiration in the area in question.
143 800 HUF
Duration: 25 MIN
A cure which activates the skin's self-healing mechanism, capable of renewing the skin's structure and thus having an effect on the lymph circulation.
28 800 HUF
Duration: 15 MIN / 20 MIN
A painless procedure during which the special pulsed light is used to remove the annoying network of thin veins running under the surface of the skin.
from 26 500 HUF
Duration: 30 MIN
The hyaluronic acid injected under the deeper wrinkles on the face lifts and smoothens the skin.
from 143 800 HUF
Duration: 25 - 30 MIN
Uneven skin tone, so-called pigment patches and the phenomenon known as rosacea which leads to noticeable rashes can be annoying esthetic problems, especially on surfaces not covered by clothes.
13 200 - 40 300 HUF
Duration: 25 MIN
A targeted laser treatment which results in the contraction of enlarged pores and scars.
13 800 HUF