Tattoo removal

Home / Tattoo removal
Tattoo removal
  • 15 – 20 MIN
  • 23 000 HUF / 2 cm2
  • eyebrow or lip contour 24 200 HUF

with QswitchNdYag / Ruby laser (1064/532 nm)

The treatment can help successfully remove new and old, black or colored tattoos on any part of the body, including cosmetic tattoos around the eyebrows and mouth. Depending on the type of the dye, the depth and layers of the tattoo, 3-8 treatments might be required for the tattoo to completely fade from the skin.
Depending on the size of the skin surface treated, a pain-reducing cream is applied on the skin prior to the 10-30 minute-long treatment. A slight swelling and rash may be noticeable directly after the treatment and rarely, skin peeling may appear. The result is barely noticeable after the first session, yet the tattoo will increasingly fade from the skin after treatments repeated every 3-4 weeks.