Treating deeper wrinkles

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Treating deeper wrinkles
  • 30 MIN
  • from 143 800 HUF

with hyaluronic acid

The hyaluronic acid injected under the deeper wrinkles on the face lifts and smoothens the skin. Its beneficial effect is due, amongst other things, to the fact that hyaluronic acid holds water for a long-lasting period, thus ensuring the skin’s hydration and improving its texture.
The French and Swiss products used at our medical facility contain the same active agents as the hyaluronic acid found in the body and thus have no allergenic effects and cause no nodes or lumps and remain in the area treated.
The treatment lasts for 15-20 minutes. After applying a local anesthetic, the physician injects the active agent with a special injection technique which entails only minimal pain.
The effect is usually immediately noticeable, lasting 6-18 months depending on the size of the area of application and the active agent used for the treatment. The marks after the treatment are barely visible and disappears after 1-2 days.