Colon hydrotherapy

Home / Colon hydrotherapy
Colon hydrotherapy
  • 50 MIN
  • 21 500 HUF

Colon hydrotherapy is a form of cleansing the colon by washing the entire large intestine with alternating warm (38-41 degrees Celsius) and cold (27-28 degrees Celsius) water. The goal is to free the large intestine from deposited remains of excreta, gasses, digestive remains and toxins which put a burden on the body and which can lead to the appearance of severe diseases. This is especially important in the case of patients who have a tendency for constipation or have been suffering from such complaints for years. During the treatment, the patient comfortably lies down on their back on a bed, while a finger-width tube is inserted into the rectum a few centimeters deep. The tube is used to introduce water and to release water with excreta remains. The therapist uses soft stomach massage motions to uncover problematic zones and help remove deposits. As opposed to traditional colon cleansing, colon hydrotherapy is a closed, air-tight system which puts no burden on the patient. Colon hydrotherapy allows for a previously unimaginable intensive and thorough cleansing and recovery.