Salt calefactory

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Salt calefactory
    • 30 MIN
    • 4 900 HUF

Salt has a healing effect on the body, it is an alternative option in case of allergic attacks, has a favourable effect on respiratory complaints, as well as skin and joints problems. Its detoxifying effect typifies purification of the whole body; the inhaled salt crystals promote self-cleansing of the air passages.

Salt therapy is recommended for all, from the age to six months up to 120 years old, as it has a favourable effect on the whole body. It plays a great role in the prevention of diseases, prophylaxis, stress relief and relaxation. It can also offer help to smokers in purification of the airways and in giving up smoking. Salt therapy is a kind of detoxifying cure, besides having a cleansing effect on the epithelium of the skin.

It is a particularly efficient alternative help for children, whose bodies generally react more quickly to natural therapies.

In the NaturMed Hotel Carbona, there is an opportunity to experience the beneficial effects of salt therapy in the salt calefactory and the salt cave. Decide for yourself whether you would like to be cured and regenerated by warm or cold salt.

Salt calefactory

A special place on the sauna island, which conjures you onto the seashore. In the salt calefactory you can literally walk around in salt, like on a sandy beach, while enjoying the beneficial effect of the humid, salty, warm rising air.
The salt calefactory aids harmonious functioning of the immune and nervous systems. The vibrations and negative ionisation power of the salt crystals relieves stress-related complaints and soothes the nervous system. The relaxing effect is enhanced by pleasing music and colour-therapy lights. The salt calefactory is also recommended for children, as the tots need not sit in one place during the treatment, they can even “play in the sand”. “Play as you heal” is provided here.

Salt calefactory MIN HUF/person.
Adult 30′ 4 900
Child (under 14 years old) 30′ 2 450
Family (2 adults + 2 children) 30′ 8 000
Season ticket for 5 sessions 5×30′ 17 700