Biofit Test

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Biofit Test


  • 80 MIN
  • 23 500 HUF

A complete assessment of one’s physical condition (medical examination, Voll’s electroacupuncture diagnostics and sole examination) and specialist consultation in 80 minutes with no operation and radiation.

This examination method invented by Dr. Reinhold Voll in 1953 enabling the measurement and assessment of bioelectrical behaviour of Chinese acupuncture points, meridians, functional circles and the reflexively related organs and tissues as well as their deviation from normal value. Voll testing is performed not only on the approximately 700 Chinese acupuncture points, but also on organ and tissue meridian points that Voll discovered. Thus the Voll system tests a total of almost 2000 points.

The conclusions drawn from the Voll test may refer to various inflammatory or degenerative tendencies and regulatory foci, and provides information on our health condition.

The essence of sole diagnostics is that the severity of the changes and deposits (based on sensitivity and tissue tone disorder and temperature difference) formed in reflex zones are in proportion to the impairing blood circulation of the related organ, to their functional or organic diseases. The “body mapping” in based on this basic principle.

The Biofit test involves the evaluation of the Voll test and sole diagnostics results. Our physicians may recommend further natural curative methods as therapeutic possibility.